List of contents 47th Session 2008


                  Preface                                                                                                     i-ii  

I.                Agenda of the Session                                                                              iii    

II.               Bureau of the Session                                                                               iv 

III.    Text of the Statements of the Inaugural Session of the Forty-                        1 - 9  

        Seventh Session held on Monday, 30th June 2008 at 10:00 AM 

IV.   Summary Record of the First Meeting of the Delegations of                        10 - 17

        AALCO Member States held on Monday, 30th June 2008

        at 11:35 AM 

V.     Summary Record of the Second Meeting of the Delegations of                   18 - 20

        AALCO Member States held on 30th June 2008 at 2:30 PM 

VI.   Summary Record of the First General Meeting held on                                  21 - 30

        Monday, 30th June 2008 at 4:30 PM

A.    General Statements 

VII.  Summary Record of the Second General Meeting held on                             31 - 71

        Tuesday, 1st July 2008 at 10:00 AM

A.    General Statements

B.    Report on Matters Relating to the Work of the International

        Law Commission at its Fifty-Ninth Session 

VIII. Summary Record of the Third General Meeting held on                                72 - 88

       Tuesday, 1st July 2008 at 4:50 PM

A.   The Law of the Sea     

IX.  Summary Record of the Third General Meeting (Contd.) held                          89 – 97

       on Thursday, 3rd July 2008 at 10:00 AM

A.    Deportation of Palestinians and Other Israeli

        Practices among Them the Massive Immigration and

        Settlement of Jews in All Occupied Territories in

        Violation of International Law Particularly the

        Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 

X.    Summary Record of the Fourth General Meeting held on                               98-133

        Thursday, 3rd July 2008 at 11:00 AM

A.    International Terrorism

B.     An Effective International Legal Instrument against Corruption

C.     Environment and Sustainable Development 

XI.   Summary Record of the Fifth General Meeting held on                                  134-150

        Friday, 4th July 2008 at 9:10 AM

A.    The International Criminal Court: Recent Developments

B.     Extraterritorial Application of National Legislation: Sanctions

        Imposed against Third Parties 

XII.  Summary Record of the Third Meeting of Delegations of AALCO                 151-161

        Member States held on Friday, 4th July 2008 at 12:20 PM 

XIII.  Summary Record of the Sixth General Meeting held on                                 162-167

                Friday, 4th July 2008 at 5:00 PM 

XIV.  Summary Report of the Forty-Seventh Session                                                 168-195 

XV.   Resolutions adopted by the Forty-Seventh Session                                            196-216

                  (i)   Resolutions on Organizational, Administrative and

                         Financial Matters

                  (ii)  Resolutions on Substantive Matters

                  (iii) Resolution adopted on the Special Day Meeting 

XVI.  List of Participants                                                                                             217-236